Thursday, March 31, 2022

FITNESS FOREVER series - Talk by Dr Vandana Shiva at IIC



The Soil’s Health is our Health :

Why Organic Farming is vital for health of the planet and people


An Illustrated talk by

Dr Vandana Shiva

founder Navdanya 


Moderator: Dr Anu Jindal


Wednesday 30 March 2022

Seminar Rooms I to III, Kamaladevi Complex

Indian International Centre, New Delhi

"Our health and the health of the planet is one health. It is connected to the health of the soil, seeds and plants we grow, the food we eat, the insects and microbes on which we depend, the water and the climate which sustain life. Our health begins in healthy soils, that are living systems. Doctors are increasingly finding that the roots of multiple chronic diseases lie in the health of the gut microbiome, which is connected to the health of soil biodiversity. The soil, the gut and our brain are one interconnected biome- violence to one part triggers violence in the entire interrelated system.

Chemically produced food has far less nutritional content, however regenerative organic agriculture increases nutritional content of food. Our bodies are not machines, food is not fuel to run the machine. Food is living, and eating is not a mechanical act, but the most significant act - a spiritual act, an ecological act, an agricultural act.

Health begins in food - Annam Sarvaushadhi Let Food be thy medicine"

Dr Vandana Shiva

Dr. Vandana Shiva is trained as a Physicist and did her Ph.D. on the subject “Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.

She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore.


In 1982, she founded an independent institute, the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in Dehra Dun dedicated to high quality and independent research to address the most significant ecological and social issues of our times, in close partnership with local communities and social movements.

She founded Navdaanya, in 1991, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources - especially native seed, the promotion of organic farming and fair trade.

In 2004 she started Bija Vidyapeeth, an international college for sustainable living in Doon Valley in collaboration with Schumacher College, U.K.

Dr. Shiva combines sharp intellectual enquiry with courageous activism, and has been recognized for her sterling work through accolades and numerous awards.

Time Magazine identified Dr. Shiva as an environmental “hero” in 2003

and Asia Week has called her one of the five most powerful communicators of Asia.

Forbes magazine in November 2010 has identified 

Dr. Vandana Shiva as one of the top Seven most Powerful Women on the Globe.

Dr. Shiva has received honorary Doctorates from University of Paris, University of Western Ontario, University of Oslo, Connecticut College and University of Guelph.

Among her many awards are the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, 1993), Order of the Golden Ark, Global 500 Award of UN, Earth Day International Award, Lennon ONO grant for peace award by Yoko Ono in 2009, Sydney Peace Prize in 2010, Doshi Bridgebuilder Award, Calgary Peace Prize, Thomas Merton Award in the year 2011, The Fukuoka Award, The Prism of Reason Award in 2012, the Grifone d’Argento prize 2016, The MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity 2016, Veerangana Award 2018,  The Sanctuary Wildlife Award  2018,  International Environment  Summit & Award 2018  and Amrita Devi Award 2021.

FITNESS FOREVER series - First Talk by Dr Arvinder Soin at India International Centre on 23 Feb 2022


In the wake of Covid-19, I am organising a series of monthly talks titled “Fitness Forever” for and at IIC (India International Centre) on the theme of maintaining good health & building a strong immunity to be disease free, an integral part of our lives, through prevention and correct management of urban lifestyle. 


The inspiration for this series of talks is our bosom pal – good ole Covid ! that likes to take up residence in our lungs

How a miniscule germ that is defeated by the simple soap has brought all of humanity to our knees –

or many of us to our graves.

How helpless we feel, flapping around, confused, defeated

Kaise ek chote se kitanu ne hum sab ko itna hataash kar diya !

While not much can be said or done in the face of the fury of nature

What is in our hands – the least we can do is take care of ourselves.....ourselves

Our body is a gift of nature, as the Buddhists say “precious human life”

Rather than fall prey to diseases how can we built up the strength, the immunity to shun diseases

Prevention is better than cure!

The Fitness Forever programme will focus on physical, mental & emotional health, based on the four pillars of good nutrition, regular exercise, sound sleep and freedom from stress. The stress quotient being particularly emphasised and to be dealt with through various methodologies including utilising the Arts as therapy.

Introduction by Anu Jindal

Delivered in the first session on 23 Feb 2022

India International Centre

Cordially invites you to the first talk in the series “Fitness Forever”


"Forget Six Packs - Are you Liver-Fit?

The Engine, the Factory, the Detox Mantra within us"


An Illustrated talk by

Dr Arvinder Soin

Chairman and Chief Surgeon,

Medanta Liver Transplant Institute


Moderator: Anu Jindal

                                                                           Wednesday 23 February 2022, 6.30 pm

Conference Room 1

India International Centre

Max Mueller Marg, Lodi Estate

New Delhi 110003


In the fast paced urban lifestyle of today, staying healthy becomes a challenge, encouraging us to veer towards quick fixes, ignoring that the mantra lies within us. Dr. Soin, credited with the first liver transplant in India, expounds on this mantra, through keeping the liver fit.

View recording of talk on:

Profile of Dr Arvinder Soin

Padmashri Dr. Arvinder Soin has a very long chequered career,

to encapsulate it in brief.

Dr. Soin is Group Chairman & Chief Liver Transplant Surgeon at Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, Gurugram & Lucknow, India’s largest and most successful liver transplant center. He is also Chairman - Liver Transplantation at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai.

Dr. Soin holds degrees in MBBS and MS from AIIMS i.e. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and FRCS  from Glasgow and Edinburgh as well as FRCS, Intercollegiate, subspecialty Transplant Surgery.

Dr. Soin is credited with having performed the first successful liver transplants both adult and pediatric in India way back in 1998. Since then he has performed the highest number of successful liver transplants in India - over 3000. He is a surgical innovator, researcher,  and Healthcare Investor. With many firsts in terms of innovative surgical techniques, he is justifiably renowned in India and globally for his pioneering contribution to Liver transplantation and live donor liver transplant in India, and has placed India on the global liver transplant map.  

Dr. Soin has shared his valuable work through numerous articles of his original research and has delivered 16 Orations and over 1200 lectures globally, and was editor of Elsevier book ‘Liver transplantation”. He has received numerous awards both national and international and has been conferred the Honorary Fellowship by KGMC, Lucknow, and is Visiting Professor at KEM College and Hospital in Mumbai

Over 120 liver transplant fellows as well as visiting transplant doctors and paramedics trained by Dr. Soin are running over 100 centers all over India. 

He has supervised over 100 clinical research projects and has been very active in Research, Teaching, examining, conferences, workshops and consensus groups. He holds important positions in professional organizations both national and international and was recently inducted as Executive Council Member of International Liver Transplant society.

Dr. Arvinder Soin is particularly admired as one of the country’s foremost healthcare influencers and acknowledged sensible voices during the pandemic, as can be seen that he is one of the most followed physicians on Twitter globally, with nearly 100K followers. 

This is but a very brief profile of Dr. Soin’s sterling career. Please check out his website for gleaning more details.

by the Master of Ceremonies - Yashna Shetty

Monday, January 24, 2022

Sunil the sunny guy packed with zest for life

Sunil Gupta
merged into Heaven on 22 Jan 2022

 असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

from delusion to truth
from darkness to light
from death to immortality
Aum peace, peace, peace!

My ebullient, fun loving elder brother Sunil, was taken by Covid
His loss cannot be filled and is a loss for all whose lives he touched

At four years old with Mom. those gorgeous large eyes full of masti and mirth. his childhood nickname Gappu carried on into adulthood. typical of his good humour, he revelled in it

now isn't that a bonny baby
(photo by Dad, clicked with his Contax, when colour photography had just started in India)

waahh.....Mom when will my turn come!

Yes now we are evenly Coca Cola

you can "Try Your Luck" but where finance is concerned
I am a wizard
just watch me when i become a chartered accountant
(Card game stall at the annual Diwali Mela by Mom's ladies club Mahila Mangal)

with Bhabi (nani)
Childhood, those beautiful sunny days
one thought they would never end

Sunil at extreme right (with Dad, Mom and Anu)
Aren't I the dashing hero


cousin Sanju doing tika to Sunil
they are now together, hopefully blissful and at peace

first major project - Yogeshwar building, Connaught Place
taking on challenges and hard work are my forte

Prince Charming on his white horse

I love to party!

was there to support me in my art exhibitions
with Japanese Ambassador Hirabayashi at inauguration of my show "Fragrance of Sakura" at India International Centre

fun times with niece Akriti

"I am a continuation, like the rain
is a continuation of the cloud"
- Thich Nhat Hanh (left earth on 22 Jan 2022)