Saturday, March 21, 2020

India's Janta ek saath for "Janta Curfew" called for by PM Modi

Janta Curfew: PM Modi's new Formula to fight Coronavirus ...

Covid 19 Virus - the microscopic being let loose on us, creating havoc globally

Is it Mother Nature's way of rapping us humans on the knuckles or rather lungs
Is this her way of telling us to stop plundering precious planet earth - the bounty given to us which we are racing to destroy

WHO's website answers all questions related to this pandemic causing virus

Why washing of hands can protect us

very simply the virus has a lipid outer layer i.e. its oily and therefore sticky, so it sticks to surfaces, in particular clean, shiny surfaces like metals and plastics, from where our hands pick it up, and gets stuck in the crevices of our skin. When we touch our face, it enters our system through the mouth, nose or eyes and creates havoc in particular with our pulmonary system hence the breathing problems. Soap is effective in dislodging the oily substance and washing away the virus from our hands.

To understand why washing of hands is so important, the biochemistry of the virus is explained well in the following website:

PM Narendra Modi has called for "Janta Curfew" to stonewall the spread of infection

Whichever country it has hit initially just few cases and then suddenly a huge spike
India is at that juncture where just around 250 Covid 10 infected people...can we take preventive steps to retard that spike

Looking forward to the "Janta Curfew"on Sunday 22 March 2020 to stay at home for 14 hours from 7 am to 9 pm
Hope all Indians ensure to join in
Hope all Indians also create a fabulous Naad at 5 pm, as asked for by PM Modi, by coming out on our balconies or rooftops to clap our hands, ring bells, or clang thalis, to pay tribute to the selfless workers who are tirelessly working for us in these trying times

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Coronavirus arrives in India - Baba Ramdev to the rescue

The verdict is out - keep one’s immunity up, but libido down, save hugging and kissing till temperatures rise above 52 degrees celsius!

The chilling, though not necessary deadly, Coronavirus known as Covid 19 has arrived in India with several foreign returned individuals having tested positive, and have already made contact and spread the virus to some.

Other than the precautions which all media is recommending – principal among them is frequently washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds in each session, and avoiding touching ones eyes, nose and mouth, there is little else one can do. If one has huge fears, one may confine oneself to home or banish fears and continue life as usual.

Though the possibility of contagion is high, statistics show that the death rate is low, with probably only 1-2 % fatalitites. A heartening statistic is that children are least likely to contract the virus, and for those below the age of 29 years the fatality rate is as low as 0.3 %.  

Dr. Naresh Trehan  has given a comprehensive overview

Panic is unnecessary however precaution is important, according to him. His prognosis can be read in link below:

A positive indication given by Dr. Trehan is that the virus does not survive in temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, and above 52 degrees it destructs in 15 minutes.

Baba Ramdev has recommended combating the threat through turning to ancient Indian practices of Ayurved and Yog. Prevention by building up one’s immunity.

He advices healthy lifestyle, eating right, practicing yogasaans and in particular partaking of giloy (tinospora cordifolia) which has powerful immunity building characteristic.

 Giloy can be had on its own or combined with 4 more ingredients (turmeric, ginger, holy basil & pepper) to make a brew
below is the recipe:

giloy (tinospora cordifolia) – 2 six inch sticks – ground

haldi (turmeric) - 1 inch piece or 2 gms powder

adrakh (ginger) - 1 inch piece or 2 gms powder

tulsi (holy basil) - 8 leaves

kali mirch (black pepper) - 2 peppercorns

Boil all ingredients in one glass water till water is reduced to ¼ quantity, will become a thickish brew.
Can have this brew 2-3 times a day


Practice daily the following 5

bhastrikaa pranayam भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम – inhale and exhale deeply and forcefully

kapaal bhaati pranayam कपाल भाति प्राणायाम – inhale deeply, exhale forcefully

anulom vilom pranayam अनुलोम-विलोम प्राणायाम – breathing alternatively from each nostril, hold breath in between each inhalation and exhalation

bhraamari pranayam भ्रामरी प्राणायाम – inhaling and exhaling accompanied by making humming bee sound at back of throat

Omkaar pranayam ओंकार प्राणायाम  – inhale deeply, exhale making long Om sound. Exhalation should be double duration of inhalation


Additionally practice daily Surya Namaskaar + 5-7  yogaasan in standing, sitting and supine positions
(caution: people suffering from ailments like hypertension, heart disease etc. must practise pranayam & yog with necessary precautions)

Check out Baba Ramdev’s recommendations in link below – too many ads., but do persist, advice is sound, maybe this scare will encourage veering towards a healthier lifestyle: